Custom Furniture Painting
Custom Furniture Painting
Let us do all the hard work for you! Drop off your piece of furniture, pick out your paint colors and any additional decals or designs you'd like to add and let one of our artist's give your old furniture a makeover! We accept projects of all sizes from small plant stands to larger projects like bed frames, dressers or even kitchen/bathroom cabinet's! We love giving new life to old pieces and don't shy away from the big projects...let us do the work for you!
Our artists are also happy to provide you with assistance with picking out colors/designs! We will restore your piece with Rethunk junk furniture prep & paint and you can come pick your piece up at Faire Heart Centre when it's completed!
Our minimum custom furniture painting fee is $50, which also works as your deposit for larger pieces that cost an additional charge. Our price depends on the condition, size, and cleanliness of the piece you want us to paint. Our fee is the cost of labor plus paint and prep. Once you place your deposit, we will be in touch to get your furniture on the schedule! Our turnaround time is 2-4 weeks depending on the piece of furniture.
Note: This is for drop-off pieces. For kitchen cabinets or other furniture that cannot be moved from your house and dropped off for us to work on, we can discuss our off-site service and fees.